Environmental Policy
Sterling Crane recognizes the importance of a healthy environment to our society, business and our people and is committed to protecting the environment for present and future generations.
As environmental sustainability has increasingly become a part of our day to day life, through management leadership and employee participation, the company is committed to environmental best practices and pollution prevention through a process of continuous improvement.
The ultimate goal of the environmental policy is to minimize waste and reduce the impact on health and the environment rather than dealing with clean-up and remediation. In support of this position, Sterling Crane shall:
Manage all aspects of its business to a degree that will ensure compliance with applicable environmental standards and laws.
Prevent environmental incidents.
Respond to all incidents immediately and take possible steps to minimize the impact.
Cooperate with all government agencies and authorities and report incidents as required.
Reduce emissions and waste by integrating a pollution prevention process.
Reduce use of water and energy resources.
Reduce, reuse and recycle materials and supplies.
Use biodegradables or alternatives to chemicals where practical.
Raise awareness, encourage participation and train all employees.
Continuously seek to improve environmental performance by identifying and investigating efforts to reduce pollution, waste and consumption of resources.
Efficiently use all cranes, vehicles / other equipment and ensure proper preventative maintenance to minimize the environmental impact they may have.
Ensure employees are trained in the requirements of the Environmental Policy and the company’s objectivesensure employees are trained in the requirements of the Environmental Policy and the company’s objectives to increase Environmental Awareness throughout the organization.
Care for the environment is of prime concern and a shared responsibility. All employees are expected to:
Report all environmental incidents immediately to their supervisor.
Understand personal responsibilities that contribute to improved environmental performance.
Prevent pollution and conserve energy.
Minimize waste by actively reusing and recycling products.
Work in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.
Work in cooperation with the company to achieve goals and objectives.
“Together we shall strive to make our environment a better place to live and work”